As Uğur Makina Taahhüt Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, it is the basis of our environmental policy to use resources efficiently, constantly optimize the environmental management system, define the hazards related to the environment, prevent pollution by conducting required risk evaluation and eliminating the hazard, separate the waste at its source that may be created during our activities and provide recycling with the most suitable methods for Design, Production and Assembly activities of our Crushing, Screening, Washing Machinery and Plants and Related Equipment and All Kinds of Steel Construction Structures with reference to the applicable laws and regulations.
Within the scope of our Environmental Policy we will ensure;
-Training of our employees, contractors and suppliers for awareness in terms of environmental aspects and environmental programs within out activity areas,
- Recycling of solid, liquid and gas waste that may be created during our activities at their source by licensed companies in a controlled way, or plan and implement final disposal activities,
- Minimize fuel, energy and water consumption when possible to minimize pollution,
- Consider environmental issues for all investment and supply decisions.
As UğurMakina Taahhüt Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, we know the environment is a valuable asset. Within this scope; we hereby guarantee and declare to perform the requirements of environmental regulations in order to protect our environment according to sustainable environment and sustainable development principles.
Our Quality Policy
Our company, which is an expert organization in terms of Design, Production and Assembly activities of our Crushing, Screening, Washing Machinery and Plants and Related Equipment and All Kinds of Steel Construction Structures makes its essential policy to produce products that are compliant to regulations and standards and are above the demands and expectations of the customers, and to constantly improve the effectiveness of the quality management system thanks to:
- Constant and quality production,
- Reliable service,
- Delivery in time,
- Spare part support,
- After sales services,
- Trained personnel
- Modern machinery and equipment.
While performing our services as a company, it is our essential target to;
- Constantly optimize production faults and systems,
- Ensure that the employees are sufficient not only in terms of quality issues, but also for occupational health and safety and environmental issues,
- Take necessary steps to have a s say in international markets.
- Implement quality awareness not only to its own employees but also its suppliers.
It is our company's quality policy to be an organization associated with quality by establishing fine and lasting plants by using technology in accordance with conditions of our time with an approach that attaches importance to occupational health and safety and environment in our productions.
As UğurMakina Taahhüt Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, it is the basis of our occupational health and safety policy to conduct risk evaluations for all activities performed, plan required activities to minimize the hazards detected after risk evaluation and eliminating the hazard with the most suitable methods in order to prevent occupational accidents and health related damages during Design, Production and Assembly activities of our Crushing, Screening, Washing Machinery and Plants and Related Equipment and All Kinds of Steel Construction Structures with reference to the applicable regulations.
Within the scope of our Occupational Health and Safety Policy we will ensure;
- Training of our employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors for awareness of occupational health and safety within our areas of activity,
- Constantly improve the OHSAS system founded to minimize occupational accidents and ensure active participation of employees,
- Consider occupational health and safety issues in all investment and supply decisions.
As UğurMakina Taahhüt Sanayi Ticaret AnonimŞirketi: we hereby guarantee and declare to perform the requirements of occupational health and safety regulations in order to protect our employees, organization and production according to occupational health and safety principles.